Benefits of Strength Training for Older Adults

Benefits of Strength Training for Older Adults

By Dave Van Zandt, CSCS, CEAS, Cert FCE

StrengthTrainingWhy Strength Training?

Research has shown that strengthening exercise is safe and effective for women and men of all ages, including those who are not in perfect health. In fact, people with health concerns often benefit the most from an exercise program that includes lifting weights a few times each week. Continue reading “Benefits of Strength Training for Older Adults”

Coping with Injury and Loss

Coping with Injury and Loss

depressed2When a person sustains a serious injury or sudden loss, he/she will generally experience five reactions: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These are normal responses that everyone goes through at different rates. It is also important for the affected person to experience all of the stages to help achieve a full recovery. Continue reading “Coping with Injury and Loss”

Runner’s Knee/Illiotibial Band Syndrome

Runner’s Knee / Illiotibial Band Syndrome

By Dominic McKinley, MD, CAQ and Joe Mullins, M. Ed., LAT, ATC

iliotibial-bandAccording to an article published in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, one in five runners will experience a yearly knee injury (‘Running Injuries to the Knee,’ Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, vol. 3, pp. 309-318, 1995).  Internet searches for the incidence rate of illiotibial band (ITB) syndrome reveals that this malady accounts for an approximate 12% of knee injuries in running.  Therefore, if you are an avid runner, you have a very high chance of experiencing lateral (outside) knee pain at some point in your running life. Continue reading “Runner’s Knee/Illiotibial Band Syndrome”

Learn to Recognize and Treat Common Injuries

Learn to Recognize and Treat Common Injuries

The general population is overwhelmed with common injuries involving the musculoskeletal system, which consists of muscles, bones, joints and ligaments. These injuries can range from minor to severe, and people tend to underestimate minor joint and muscle injuries. Medical advice is often needed to determine the extent of injury and the best treatment program. A delay in the treatment of certain minor injuries can lead to permanent loss of function or can allow the area to be re-injured, causing more serious injuries. Continue reading “Learn to Recognize and Treat Common Injuries”

RICE= Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

RICE= Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

By Dave Van Zandt, CSCS, CEAS, Cert FCE

Treatment of sprains and strains is often accomplished with the “RICE” method. If you are unsure of the severity of your sprain or strain, consult your doctor before beginning any treatment or rehab. The following is an explanation of the RICE method of treatment for sprains and strains: Continue reading “RICE= Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation”

Off – Season Conditioning Program for Middle and High School Athletes

Off – Season Conditioning Program for Middle and High School Athletes

In today’s athletic society our preadolescent and adolescent athletes are working out and training year round. Many professionals report that the results of these year-round conditioning and training regimens are bigger, faster, and stronger athletes. These results are not in question. However, the question isn’t fully answered. Our preadolescent and adolescent athletes are getting other results also… Continue reading “Off – Season Conditioning Program for Middle and High School Athletes”

Back In Action

Back in Action

Have you ever had that nagging pain in your back that just would not go away? Or if it did go away it came back again the next time you bent over to pick something up? You are not alone!!! Back pain is a very common problem. Nation-wide, back injuries are #1 in cost for worker’s compensation claims, #2 in sick time, and once the low back has been injured, it is 10 times more likely to be re-injured. Continue reading “Back In Action”