Offering same day appointments for a comprehensive range of treatments and services is just one of the many advantages that sets Guilford Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center apart from the rest. We implemented the same day appointment benefit because we know that your time is important to you and most likely limited. We simply want to accommodate your schedule and accessibility.
Another area of distinction is our staff. As a group, our notable and professional doctors possess expertise in every facet of orthopaedic diagnostics, treatments and surgeries. We are confident in our ability to address any issue you have. Our extended staff is also highly professional and skilled in assessing and working with your individual needs. Together we reach out to each of our patients to build and maintain relationships that create an important and lasting line of communication between us. We want a relationship with you that will stand the test of time, and you’ll see that the first time you walk through our door.
Lastly, because of our commitment to the best and most thorough care available, we offer to stay in contact with your referring physician or clinician to keep everyone informed and on the same course toward your complete healing.