Where does it hurt? An interactive tool for fact finding.

Neck & SpineA healthy neck and spine are vital to normal daily function. Usual problems that we encounter are arthritis, disc herniation, strains and pinched nerves.

Neck & SpineA healthy neck and spine are vital to normal daily function. Usual problems that we encounter are arthritis, disc herniation, strains and pinched nerves.

ShoulderEven common shoulder injuries can be debilitating. Some that we look for are “frozen” shoulder, rotator cuff injuries, arthritis, dislocations, tendonitis and fractures.

ElbowThe “funny bone” isn’t so funny when the pain is constant. The most common issues include bursitis, epicondylitis, radial tunnel, sprains and overuse injuries.

HipWe understand hip pain and how it can stop you cold. A lot of the hip issues we see involve arthritis, tendonitis & bursitis, muscle strain and fractures.

Hand and WristOur hands are easily the most active parts of our bodies. We often see conditions such as carpal tunnel, fractures, wrist sprains, nerve injuries and dislocations.

KneeKnee injuries are among the most common complaints we address. They may range from ligament, ACL or meniscus tears, to arthritis, tendonitis and fractures.

Ankle & FootIf you’re mobile at all, your ankles and feet are at work. We see a variety of sprains, strains and fractures to these areas, as well as diabetic issues for the foot.

Guilford Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center

In an active community like ours, there is a wide range of need for orthopaedic services. We are proud to answer that need with an equally wide range of comprehensive orthopaedic treatments and services – with same day appointment flexibility. Even though we understand that providing medical treatment for the injured isn’t always easy, our philosophy is quite simple: at Guilford Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center, we are dedicated to serving our patients with the highest level of integrity and professionalism. We begin by building a relationship with you that will allow us to successfully meet your needs while staying mindful of your accessibility and time constraints. Our goal is to maintain a position as your first choice in orthopaedic care.

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After all, we work to keep you playing.