Cumulative Trauma Disorders

Cumulative Trauma Disorders

By Dave Van Zandt, CSCS, CEAS, Cert FCE

Cumulative Trauma Disorders(CTDs) are caused from an accumulation of repetitive microtrauma to the body’s tissues.  CTDs, also referred to as Repetitive Motion Injuries or overuse injuries, can occur in both the industrial and athletic populations.  They are often seen in activities requiring prolonged, repetitive movements.  The symptoms of a CTD are often slow to develop.  Many people will avoid going to the doctor and just modify their activity until the pain subsides, while others will try to work or play through their pain.  After all, “No Pain, No Gain.”  However, this should not be the case with overuse injuries as long term medical problems, such as arthritis, can occur if CTDs go undiagnosed. Continue reading “Cumulative Trauma Disorders”